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Over 10,000km of DCVG survey completed in the last 10 years and 25 successfully completed projects


As pipelines age, the applied protective coating systems also age and deteriorate. DCVG is an aboveground, non-intrusive survey method used to verify and assess the condition of buried pipeline coating systems and accurately locate coating defects. With coating defects identified, the surveyor takes additional measurements to determine the severity of the defect against internationally recognized criteria and determine what remedial action is required.


The DCVG survey technique determines the following:


  • Accurate location of coating defects to within 10cm of the actual location
  • Size and severity of coating defects
  • Anodic or Cathodic behavior of the coating defect 
  • Recognize and locate interference from third party structures / CP systems
  • Identify optimal positions for utilizing DC stray current mitigation systems
  • Detection of cable faults


DCVG works on buried pipelines and pipework protected with impressed current cathodic protection systems, sacrificial (galvanic) anode systems even on unprotected pipework.


The DCVG technique is suitable for:


  • Cross country pipelines 
  • Urban pipelines
  • Complex pipeline systems such as those within Petrochemical/Process Plants and Tank Farm Facilities  

JST Associated Surveys

Close Interval Potential Survey (CIPS) > Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG) > Pearson Surveys > Soil Resistivity and pH 

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